
for the perfect roleplaying, the monk should be level 8, the ghost is 3 stars, the megaknight is 2, the healer is 1, everything else depends on the situation and on the card, the knight in the first turn is swinging by radius, and if possible the ghost.
P.S It all depends on the deck of the enemy, and the arena, you should be in the first place for this, in some situation it will be better to put and pump something different than what is described in the guide

I think you don’t even need to explain, everything is the same as with the others, the character is very weak, and the monk will not do anything

about elma only in the ability to interfere with healing, but the ghost, mega-knight and swordsman will do their job

depends on the deck, the monk will easily win the king of the barbarians himself, but I can advise you to swing the swordsman for 3 stars, first of all, the stun, and the shield

8 monk, and the chance of winning is 90% + I don’t think it makes sense to say something

Against the champion, we swing the ghost by 3

Created Oct 26, 2022 by Rehobaam

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 13 remaining elixir
3(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
4About This Deck
The deck Flawless Monk was originally created on Oct 26, 2022 by Rehobaam. This deck uses Monk as the hero with Battle Healer, Mega Knight, Royal Ghost, Miner, and Swordsman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 9, and HP at 184.
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