This variation is stronger than before
Strong SM deck. Archer for training camp use and backline counter, BH and HR for infinite SM super and health, Wizard for splash and Anti-heal. Pekka for tank buster. Reason why no dart gob or bowler is because, if used dart gob then your deck is vulnerable to miner. If used Bowler, then no tank busting. Same for picking MK, no tank busting unlike Pekka. He meets all those criteria. She can destroy Miner; she can destroy tanks and be a OP frontline with HR as she now heals tank now. Use 2nd star HR to increase the width to heal both, Pekka and SM. Swordsman may work with his super, he can destroy miner and tanks, but he has lesser health and prone to dissipates unlike Pekka. Even if there is one 3 elixir mini, you can use that odd 1 elixir to upgrade minis cause having 1 more elixir can make huge differences. The top 3 gizmos to use for this deck is Training Camp, Pancaker and Elixir Collector.
Make the Pekka and BH be behind so that the pancaker will focus on SM. This will make SM get supers more frequent making her a force to be reckoned with.
With those heals, the matches can last long making the pump get its maximum value. Next round, with those elixirs, you can get max out every minis you have.
3-star wizard and 3-star archer can easily destroy everything. HR now doesn't heal closest minis which fixed every bad thing of her and this placement is no longer an issue now.
Archer with LJ and Barb boost is commonly used in BK decks. HR is important for this deck but luckily Wizard and Archer got your back. HR will get super and make SM get super and easily dish out the whole frontline.
This time, focus on Archer, Wizard and Pekka upgrade instead. Go for HR's unstoppable and BH's shield to deal with. Wizard will die to SM's reflect or Archer or Wizard. His anti-heal will give you pain so deal with him asap.
Created Feb 18, 2023 by UpperMembership5167
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir65
About This Deck
The deck SM double healer was created by UpperMembership5167. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Wizard, Battle Healer, P.E.K.K.A, Archer, and Healing Ranger as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 8, and HP at 175.
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