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Shield Maiden Survival

Shield Maiden

Created by ShieldingAdventurer183050
Updated Jun 11, 2023


Shield Maiden + healers provide tanky unit + shield maiden ability spam.



Main idea is to keep shield maiden alive and abuse her ability as much as possible. There are really only 3 other heroes to be carful of being monk, skeleton king and wave master, ill talk about those later. Try to place a battle healer round one with miner if possible, wizard is fine also. Then continue to place healing ranger and Valkyrie while focus upgrading battle healer when possible.

Monk: he will get his agility faster then you even when spam healing so aim to either place a mirror or stall monk till you get ability. In most games monk will trade with shield maiden but sometimes if battle healer has the block upgrade while shield maiden is blocking monk will use his ability, kill himself and leave shield maiden on low health. Main aim with monk is to kill him fast. Sometimes you may not see results against monk till the last round as each round he becomes less effective.
Skeleton king: place Valkyrie near shield maiden near the front while healing ranger is at the back. Second round upgrade if possible and then third bring in battle healer. I recommend when upgrading Valkyrie to go for the increase attack and healing range go for the increase heals.
Wave master: place shield maiden up front to one side with battle healer directly behind then place miner to the other side to attack the likely healing ranger. With wave master if you can keep him focused on shield maiden then you will kill him faster.

This build has done me well getting me to 3000 trophies. Anything that cancels heals will be a problem but battle healer when fully upgrade can keep the team alive through block spam despite the anti healing.


VS.Skeleton KingSkeleton KingTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Healing Ranger

round one play then build from that

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Battle Healer

Target any backline heals.

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Healing Ranger
Battle Healer

If possible play mirror but otherwise sacrifice miner with dissipate to build up ability for shield maiden. (protect battle healer at all cost)

Shield Maiden Survival
Shield Maiden
Battle Healer
Healing Ranger

Created Mar 30, 2023 by ShieldingAdventurer183050


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconMiner
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconHealing RangerWizardValkyrie
  • 4 Elixir iconBattle Healer
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Shield Maiden Survival was originally created on Mar 30, 2023 by ShieldingAdventurer183050. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Healing Ranger, Battle Healer, Wizard, Valkyrie, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 6.5, and HP at 172.

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