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Season 6 Shield Maiden For Top 1000

Shield Maiden

Created by CrimsonRage
Updated May 22, 2023


Colossal Fortress with Flexible and Consistent Damage Output



With the Season 6 update and new changes to Gizmos, I have gained around 400 trophies using this deck and am now Top 300. This deck excels with a variety of gizmos and can keep up quite easily with the shifts in Gizmo Rotations. The main focus of this deck is having a 1-2⭐ Battle Healer to keep your nearby allies, but most importantly, your Shield Maiden alive and reflecting damage to all units. Mini Pekka is a deadly unit that can shred frontline tanks and also delay important Enemy Supers. Bowler and the two Wizards are there to further increase your damage output and provide counters to different decks you may face.
This Deck massively counters High damage backline decks.

Core Units & Upgrades needed ASAP:
• Battle Healer
> Upgrades - 2⭐ Shining Plate

• Mini Pekka
> Upgrades - 3⭐ Drain

Secondary Units & Upgrades wanted:
• Bowler
> Upgrades - 1⭐ Damage Amplify + 2⭐ Crushing

• Battle Healer
> Upgrades - 1⭐ Triage OR 3⭐ Judge

• Wizard
> Upgrades - 1⭐ Ignite

• The Wizards
The Wizards are extremely situational so their upgrades are very much dependent on who your playing against

Best Gizmos Synergies:
• Elixir Collector
• Pancaker
• Training Camp
• War Toot

How it works:
Shield Maiden serves as a distraction for all the enemy troops whilst the rest of your units slowly cut down the rest. Battle Healer ensures that the Shield Maiden doesn't go down and keeps activating her super even if your opponent has anti-heal minis. Mini Pekka has a good damage output and drain that he is able to either shut down key tanks or delay strong frontline units before they can make a large impact on the match with their supers. However, he can also act as a miner or bandit killer.
The Wizards are key minis to unlocking your gizmos early since they are the cheapest minis in your deck. They can serve as tools to disrupt the efficiency of enemy frontline minis with the slow and anti-heal. With certain gizmos such as the Training Camp, and War Toot, they can also become carries for your team.
Bowler is a great mini that helps counter Backline Heavy decks whilst providing large amounts of damage and displacements in the areas Infront of him. He can also be used as a carry if needed through the Training Camp which also buffs the damage of his super.


Training CampTraining Camp
Training Camp
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Bowler and Mini Pekka Carry

Training CampTraining Camp
Training Camp
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

The Wizards Carry


VS.BanditBanditTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Bandit Drain can quickly become a nuisance, especially to this deck because of Shield Maiden and Battle Healer. The best strategy is to box Mini Pekka into the corner with the wizards. That way Bandit will dash towards him and then the drain prevents her from dashing again.

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Against Monk you want to space out the troops on each tile so he doesn't get too much energy from his Clash. Mini Pekka Drain is your best friend in this matchup. Position him towards where you think the Monk will be, otherwise placing him central will be the safest option.

VS.Electro WizardElectro WizardTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Against E-wiz and his stun, you want to max out Bowler. Bowler will completely shut down E-wiz for long periods of time allowing your troops to clear the frontline quickly before the perma-stun. Battle Healer 3⭐ Judge will also help your Bowler gain energy quicker.

VS.PrincePrinceTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Placing your troops towards the back of the map with Ice Wizard's 3⭐ will help reduce the initial damage of Prince and protect the backline mini's too. Upgrading Mini Pekka 1⭐ Hack will help deal with Prince quicker

VS.MinerMinerTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

This configuration will allow for Mini Pekka to retarget Miner once he appears.

Season 6 Shield Maiden For Top 1000
Battle Healer
Shield Maiden
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Ice Wizard

Created May 22, 2023 by CrimsonRage


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconMini P.E.K.K.AWizardBowler
  • 4 Elixir iconBattle Healer
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Season 6 Shield Maiden For Top 1000 was created by CrimsonRage. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Mini P.E.K.K.A, Battle Healer, Wizard, Bowler, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 6.7, and HP at 173.

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