
Your entire playstyle should be based around the Golden Giant with the asist of the Battle Healer tank for the other troops like Dart & Spear Goblin
SK - He is just an overall good hero, he got stun a plenty of health, stun, and dismiss. Just play him at the front so no minis get killed first.
GG - Also known as "Get Good". A great mini, especially in sinergy with the battle healer and his first upgrade he is unkillable.
BH - She is only here as a support troop that you might or might not upgrade at all. I suggest you upgrading other troops instead.
Lumberjack - You should upgrade his third star so he buffs almost all the minis (SG is really not worth buffing over SK or using 2 elixir). Also his first star is really good so get that too.
SG - Upgrading his first star is the best decision in your life. Mostly he is used to defend against Archer, Countes, GG and some other troops
DG - He is the main damage dealer, just upgrade his first star and place him at the back.

ECollector is a good gizmo for this deck as it can create more elixir to upgrade your minis.
With the placing I showed, the Collector and gizmos overall have a good time as they are alive for a long period and also tank for the troops at the back from miner.

With this placement, DG becomes a literal God of DPS. Destroying tanks, stunners, both melee and ranged minis at an insane speed.

Just use it to tank and do damage as there are no actual tips to that gizmo.

Created Jun 24, 2023 by Karl

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 15 remaining elixir
73(Max) + 9 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Unkillable Giant was created by Karl. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Lumberjack, Spear Goblin, Dart Goblin, Golden Giant, and Battle Healer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 11.1, and HP at 162.
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