Archer and Ice Wizard carry whilst being supported

Fast 3* and 2* Archer and Ice Wizard to heighten your DPS.
Barbarian rage also heightens initial DPS.
This deck slows down opponents frontline which ensures that Battle healer can get off her heal frequently whilst allowing high damage to the backline.
The cheap cost helps with shop re-rolls.

Helps eleviate a little damage initially to your archer which helps her take out the enemy archer.

Use the cage tactic to trap skeleton gaurd in the corner so as to deal damage to miner when he appears.
Upgrade Ice Wizards 3* ability to freeze miner after he gets killed and lower miner's attack speed boost timer.

Skeleton gaurd helps charge up Wavemasters super again so that he will dash away again before killing archer.
Caging him in allows for Wavemanster to prioritize him rather than Ice Wizard and archer.
During the earlier rounds Skeleton gaurd can be replaced with barbarian with his 3* ability as S.M. can activate her ability to distract Wavemaster.

Created May 14, 2022 by CrimsonRage

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 12
- 3
(Max) + 12 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Tanky Fast 3* was originally created on May 14, 2022 by CrimsonRage. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Battle Healer, Skeleton Guard, Barbarian, Archer, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 12, DPS at 5.2, and HP at 152.
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