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SK beatdown

Skeleton King

Created by CounterSlap
Updated Aug 14, 2023


High damage and heal frontline, backline supports.



Battle Healer supports the Skeleton King who stomps through the enemy’s units while being supported by the Electro wizard and Witch behind him.

Don’t get/upgrade Barbarian until your other units’ upgrades are sufficient. However, if you need fodder to counter Countess, I suggest you take him and avoid upgrading. Dart Goblin will make up your DPS instead.Focus on Electro Wizard if you are facing anyone who will have the advantage if they get the first few hits.

If you are facing a Countess, Do NOT use Witch. You are just feeding your opponent health, and unless you strongly want to keep your Ewiz, Barbarian or Dart goblin alive. More counter-strategies below.

As I play more with this deck, I will update this guide, possibly switching out minis and suggesting more counter-strategies.


VS.WitchWitchTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Dart Goblin
Battle Healer
Electro Wizard

Since skeleton king only counters witch if she spawns her skeletons, give her time to do so by placing Skeleton King in 3rd row. This also counters Miner and Prince because the SK targets them due to his position in the back. However, place SK in front if the opponent got third upgrade for witch or you think they might get it in the first/second round. Electro Wizard is also an decent counter to witch, especially with his first upgrade, and dart goblin is good against her when his shots are sped up.

VS.Skeleton KingSkeleton KingTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Dart Goblin
Battle Healer
Electro Wizard

If you are facing another Skeleton King, place Barbarian in the front and Battle Healer behind him, and again, do not use Witch, as the Skeleton King will gain souls and eventually, revive IN YOUR BACKLINE with full HP.

SK beatdown
Skeleton King
Battle Healer
Electro Wizard
Dart Goblin

Created Aug 14, 2023 by CounterSlap


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconBarbarian
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconDart GoblinWitch
  • 4 Elixir iconBattle HealerElectro Wizard

About This Deck

The deck SK beatdown was created by CounterSlap. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Dart Goblin, Witch, Battle Healer, Barbarian, and Electro Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 10, and HP at 145.

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