Keep max health with the high healing output. Get damage buffs from Nature Born.
Turn 1 - Try to get the first Nature Born upgrade that can give damage buffs if over healed. If you can't, get a Golden Giant if the hero is a stun hero, if not then get either a Wizard or a Battle Healer.
Turn 2 - If you deployed a Golden Giant, get the first upgrade to heal the Golden Giant when stunned. If you did not play a Golden Giant first turn do so now or place a Battle Healer.
Turn 3 - If Golden Giant is 1 star then don't prioritize the upgrade unless the enemy is a stun heavy team. If your team is struggling to stay maxed health then upgrade Battle Healer one star to heal more. If the team is fine with the healing then you can get anything you want.
Turn 4 - Now you can place a wizard if no wizard has been placed yet. A villager will also easily help boost the Nature Born to deal even more damage and provide a Clan and Specialist synergy.At this point the team is pretty much complete with just needed the Clan synergy to [ 4 ] or the Wizard synergy to [ 2 ]
Turn 5 - By this point the team is all in your hands. You can either place the witch to enable the max Clan synergy boost which gives bonus health or you can upgrade your minis.
Created Jan 17, 2024 by ClashingKnight523175
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 3 (Max) + 8 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Nature Born Heal = Crazy Damage was created by ClashingKnight523175. This deck uses Natureborn as the hero with Battle Healer, Golden Giant, Witch, Villager, and Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 6.8, and HP at 147.
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