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Onion Cookie

Your eyes will start to water if you get too close to this onion-based Cookie! And once she starts crying, she cannot stop. Mainly because her tears consist of onion juice that makes her cry even more. Poor thing, she is terrified of ghosts and weeps when scared. Perhaps one day, she'll realize why her surroundings sometimes become ghostly, and clocks suddenly start ticking backwards.

Onion Cookie PortraitRare shine
RareSupport IconSupportMiddle IconMiddle

Starter Toppings

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Unstoppable Tears
Clock cooldown icon19s

Unstoppable Tears

Doesn't perform Regular Attacks frozen in fear. Use this skill to let out a deafening cry, causing wide area damage and lowering the enemy's Attack Power. The higher the fear level, the more powerful the skill.


White Tears

White Tears

Oh no, why is Onion Cookie so pale? Did she cry all the purple away? Her tears seem even bitter now, but we are not sure it has anything to do with the color or its lack thereof...
