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Pumpkin Pie Cookie

It's Halloween, a time of spooky fun for all ghosts and Cookies. And amidst the Jack-o'-lanterns adorning the streets, stands Pumpkin Pie Cookie watching others dressed up in their costumes. Perhaps it's because she was made of a pumpkin that grew in the shade of an abandoned house, untouched by the sun, but she seems... distant, even though she has a smile on her face. One might try to escape this Cookie's uncanny presence, but there is something eerily captivating in the way she slowly bats her eyelashes... Pumpkin Pie Cookie's favorite things on Earthbread are her fluffy and poofy dress that resembles a pumpkin and the old, tattered doll she always carries around. This Cookie will hold your hand and drag you to play with her whenever there's an exciting festival. Surprisingly, no one has ever said no. You can only wonder if it's because of Pumpkin Pie Cookie's doll that looks almost alive or the giant wavering shadow behind her...

Pumpkin Pie Cookie PortraitEpic shine
EpicMagic IconMagicMiddle IconMiddle

Starter Toppings

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Pompon, help!
Clock cooldown icon18s

Pompon, help!

Pumpkin Pie Cookie's Pompon grows to a giant size, causing area damage. For a given period of time, Giant Pompon inflicts melee area damage up to 3 enemies and applies a non-stackable debuff, decreasing the amount of healing the enemies receive. While on the battlefield, Giant Pompon increases ATK SPD for all allied summoned creatures. Giant Pompon will be more resistant to interrupting effects while performing the first special attack. Also, Pumpkin Pie Cookie can use her decreased first cooldown to use the skill sooner. Pompon is resistant to certain interruption effects.